Experience. The Haven.
The vision at The Haven is to offer an experience – a platform for self discovery, restoration and healing, in an immersive retreat setting. With therapeutic body work sessions, hydro-therapy, nature, walking trails, locally grown food, private and modern comfortable accommodation. All through which you might learn to perceive, shift and approach your life of potentiality –unconditionally – unconventionally.
“I have just pinched myself - yes, this is real. This place, this time has been perfect. The safest place to land after a long and challenging time. Meg & Nevah - your wisdom, generosity and selflessness is a real gift. How fortunate I am to have been here. ”Stephanie, Vancouver BC
Our Vision & Philosophy
The vision of The Mayne Haven is to offer an experience, as a platform for self discovery.
In our years in the therapeutic field, we have come to understand the value immersive experiences hold in relationship to our growth. By removing the presence of daily stressors and responsibilities – we naturally give way to a more neutral place to emerge within us. It is our experience that when we access a more neutral state within our system, we access the nature of our system beneath those layers (expressions of health). The process then becomes how we integrate with what arises through the neutrality of regulation, and learn to stabilize in a more self regulated state.
Individual circumstance hold different subsets of stress and responsibility – and we customize the structure of the support container for each person based on that. Accessibility is a core value to us here, and we have encompassed a therapeutic model that welcomes all circumstances.
Both Meg Ferris & Nevah Eyton live at The Haven is full time and our two wildly loving pups Jax and Lyndy - co-facilitating immersion retreats.
We invite you to take a stroll through the spaces of Mayne Haven.
" I began working with Nevāh after the death of my partner. Her ability to hold loving space and witness me was profound. I've met very few people who have this level of integration and ability to listen deeply and see the truth. Being a healer myself, I'm very particular about who I work with. Nevāh is masterful in her work; so highly skilled and attuned to the nuances of healing and transformation required on all levels. I'm incredibly grateful for meeting Nevāh and having her reflect my Divinity back to me. She has been pivotal in my healing and transformation. "
Melanie – Vancouver/Squamish
" Stepping onto and into this land is like stepping through to a space of timelessness.
Sessions at the Haven introduced to me a physical, mental and emotional awareness that has fundamentally shifted the way I feel in the world at this moment... even at the genetic level of my body. Experiencing the integration of hydro-therapy (wood-fired hot tub and cool ocean plunges), Gene Key work and Cranial Sacral sessions with Meg Ferris, delicious food and forest bathing — the spaciousness and healing is felt through my entire body and way of being as I enter back into the world of my daily life. "
Tim – Vancouver
" Upon arrival at The Haven, I felt an invitation from the land inviting me to leave my worries at the entrance and let the pure energy of the place around me engulf me. I came in depleted, burned out and lost. I left with clarity, energy and peace. What’s been most remarkable is how the experience has stayed with me and continues to guide me.
Spending time with Meg and Nevāh was soulful and intimate – unlike anything I have experienced before – therapeutic care, individual attention and meeting one where they are. The craniosacral sessions (my first time) allowed for deep relaxation and restoration. Wholesome meals, hikes and hot tub surrounded by peace and tranquility revived my soul. The Gene Key was also a self discovery allowing me to orient myself into a deeper understanding of my self. I am so thankful to Nevāh & Meg and their pups Jax and Lyndy for creating such an immersive experience. "
Rozina - New West
“Nevah holds a safe space of non judgment where I was able to be open to share my traumatic experiences. It was the first time in my life I ever felt safe. She was always able to offer me beautiful different ways to look at and see myself and situations. I will always consider meeting her and healing with her one of the best things to ever happen to me.”
Jennifer - Vancouver
"Nevah helps integrate the external and internal realities allowing my decisions to become clear and easy with no resistance. She has helped me be in the presence of speaking absolutely truthfully through strong emotional blocks. Always held in a non judging loving presence as a uninvested witness. I found working with Nevah an amazing growth experience. All things are possible when we are supported to open up to discover source of who we are , Nevah offers the space for this. She has a gift of restoring people’s souls".
Amira - Vancouver
The Haven is exactly what its name implies: a place of safety and retreat. Nevah Eyton, its founder and her partner, Meg Ferris, have created a special and unique site with a range of psychological and physical supports to help people in healing crises by bringing together leading-edge knowledge, cranial sacral work and other body work modalities on top of decades spent successfully working with clients. The location itself is part of the healing as it has been chosen and organized to support safety, relational integrity, grounding and wholeness at a beautiful oceanside retreat, nestled among trees and surrounded by nature and silence. Their approach is also unique in that it is immersive to support deep healing on site and integration at home. In a world of short-term therapeutic sessions and options, or traditional medical institutions, the opportunity to stay in safety on site with gifted healers experiencing as much facilitation as you need was transformational for my own process healing. I can attest to its success and impact as it supported my system to renegotiate safety, slow down and find the off switch in an environment of deep care and concern. Their approach is guaranteed to support healing and I am forever grateful for their exceptional gifts and capacities and healers and human beings.
M.L. - Vancouver