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Who we Are

Nevāh Eyton

  Body Centred Therapy  |  Retreat Facilitator

(Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, Movement Teacher, weaving in Haikomi principles and process)

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Meg Ferris 

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist  |  Retreat-Facilitator
Certified Gene Key Guide 


Meet Nevah 
Nevah is a body centred therapist,  passionate about nervous system regulation and self-regulation. Nevah enters her bodywork therapy with an emphasis on nervous system regulation, weaving in her various modalities. Her approach to working with clients and groups, is organic in the sense that the modalities of her trainings are becoming more and more secondary to meeting the intention of each person. Her trainings and experience include:  certified Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (BCST) from INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CRANIOSACRAL BALANCING° (2009/11), several trainings in M.E.T.A Experiential Psychotherapy (Haikomi Method), including the Re-Creation of the Self Model of Human Systems (R-CS) (2015),  and Professional Skills Program (2014/15), certified Hatha & Restorative Yoga Teacher (2003/4), and is most currently training to be a certified Qi Gong teacher.    With equal importance, she meets from the experience of her own life’s path - with a commitment to meet each person with pure  and mutual intention.  

Meet Meg
Meg is a Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (BCST,RCST), a certified Gene Key guide, and a restorative yoga teacher. She weaves together these complimentary modalities along with her personal therapeutic life’s journey in to her work.  She offers a safe container, with the capacity to hold deep layers of experience (emotionally/mentally/physically), with extensive experience with unresolved trauma.  Meg is passionate about supporting the diversity of others, as they embark on their journey to self expression & empowerment.  


“Meg is taking me  on a journey of body discovery to release healing energies that my body is craving, through cranial sacral, restorative yoga and engaging my core through mindfulness movement. My emotional energies have also been awakened on a different level than I have ever experienced before.  During our cranial sessions Meg always reminds me that what ever comes up is beautiful even if it’s hard. I always feel safe and heard. Meg has an amazing gift to share and she does it with grace and respect. I look forward to working with her for every session” 
Tina, Victoria BC
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Lynn Eyton & Rhys Eyton

If you find your way to The Haven, you will come to find quickly that Rhys & Lynn’s hearts are alive within it. The Haven was inspired by the platform they provided me, their generational wisdom is imbedded. Lynn lives at The Haven with us on part-time, and while Rhys is no longer able to be here – he is omnipresent.

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Jax & Lyndy – The Royals

These pups, bring a love that is integral to every experience here. While they are not trained in an official capacity – they are therapeutic dogs in their own wild way. They are both hypoallergenic & non shedding breeds.

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